Rabu, 27 April 2011
Selasa, 26 April 2011
Justin & Selena in Bali
Justin and Selena receiving gifts.
Lucky Balinese fan posing with Bieber while he’s shirtless on the beach.
Justin Bieber went to Bali for a holiday before heading to Australia.
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez had a secret day in the world’s most beautiful island Bali, located in Indonesia.
Looking so happy, Selena sitting on Justin’s lap.
Justin tweeted:
“After a long 24 hours and some crazy plane trouble we finally made it out. Thank you to Indonesia and our secret day in BALI.”
Justin Bieber’s mini private concert in Bali.
Senin, 25 April 2011
Minggu, 24 April 2011
Dampak Negatif Facebook Pada Siswa
Dampak negatif facebook pada remaja, pelajar dan anak anak. Dampak negatif facebook semakin hari semakin terasa, meski pun para facebookers banyak yang tidak menyadari akan pengaruh negati facebook ini. Mungkin karena sudah kecanduan dengan yang namanya FACEBOOK. Tapi justru inilah yang berbahaya, yang tidak disadari. Buat kalian para remaja dan pelajar serta anak anak, kalian harus tahu apa saja dampak negatif dari facebook. Pengguna facebook lebih di dominasi oleh para remaja yang berusia 14-24 tahun, jumlahnya sekitar 61,1%.
1. Tidak peduli dengan sekitarnya
Orang yang sudah kecanduan facebook terlalu asyik dengan dunianya sendiri (dunia yang diciptakannya) sehingga tidak peduli dengan orang lain dan lingkungan di sekitarnya. Dunianya berubah menjadi dunia facebook. Ada juga yang bilang autis.
2. Kurangnya sosialisasi dengan lingkungan
Ini adalah dampak dari terlalu sering dan terlalu lama bermain facebook. Hal ini cukup mengkhawatirkan bagi perkembangan kehidupan sosial si anak. Mereka yang seharusnya belajar sosialisai dengan lingkungan justru lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu lebih banyak di dunia maya bersama teman-teman facebooknya yang rata rata membahas sesuatu yang tidak penting.
3. Menghamburkan uang
Akses internet untuk membuka facebook jelas berpengaruh terhadap kondisi keuangan (terlebih kalau akses dari warnet). Dan biaya internet di Indonesia yang cenderung masih mahal bila dibanding negara negara lain (mereka sudah banyak yg garatis). Ini sudah bisa dikategorikan sebagai pemborosan, karena tidak produktif. Lain soal jika mereka menggunakannya untuk kepentingan bisnis.
4. Mengganggu kesehatan
Terlalu banyak nongkrong di depan monitor tanpa melakukan kegiatan apa pun, tidak pernah olah raga sangat beresiko bagi kesehatan. Penyakit akan mudah datang. Telat makan dan tidur tidak teratur. Obesitas (kegemukan), penyakit lambung (pencernaan), dan penyakit mata adalah gangguan kesehatan yang paling mungkin terjadi.
5. Berkurangnya waktu belajar
Ini sudah jelas, terlalu lama bermain facebook akan mengurangi jatah waktu belajar. Bahkan ada beberapa yang masih asyik bermain facebook saat di sekolah.
6. Kurangnya perhatian untuk keluarga
Keluarga di rumah adalah nomor satu. Slogan tersebut tidak lagi berlaku bagi para facebookers. Buat mereka temen-temen di facebook adalah nomor satu. Tidak jarang perhatian mereka terhadap keluarga menjadi berkurang.
7. Tersebarnya data pribadi
Beberapa facebookers memberikan data-data mengenai dirinya dengan sangat detail. Biasanya ini untuk orang yang baru kenal internet hanya sebatas facebook saja. Mereka tidak tahu resikonya menyebarkan data pribadi di internet. Ingat data-data di internet mudah sekali bocor, apalagi facebook yang gampang sekali di hack!
8. Mudah menemukan sesuatu berbau pornografi dan sex
Mudah sekali bagi para facebookers menemukan sesuatu yang berbau porno dan sex. Karena kedua hal itu yang paling banyak dicari di internet dan juga paling mudah ditemukan. Inilah fakta tidak dewasanya pengguna intenet di Indonesia. Hanya menggunakan internet untuk mencari konten “berlendir”. Di facebook akan sangat mudah menemukan grup sex, grup tante kesepian, grup cewek bispak, dll.
9. Rawan terjadinya perselisihan
Tidak adanya kontrol dari pengelola facebook terhadap para anggotanya dan ketidak dewasaan pengguna facebook itu sendiri membuat pergesekan antar facebookers sering sekali terjadi. Contoh paling fenomenal adalah kasusnya “Evan Brimob” beberapa waktu lalu. Evan Brimob adalah seorang anggota kepolisian yang baru kenal facebook. Silakan dicari aja di google mengenai Evan Brimob dengan statementnya yang kontroversi: “Polisi nggak butuh masyarakat”.
10. Awas penipuan..!
Seperti media media lainnya, facebook juga rawan terhadap penipuan. Apalagi bagi anak anak yang kurang mengerti tentang seluk beluk dunia internet. Bagi si penipu sendiri, kondisi dunia maya yang serba anonim jelas sangat menguntungkan.
Jumat, 22 April 2011
Lirik lagu Dr.Bieber-Justin Bieber
Dr. Bieber
[Justin Bieber:]
Cure the Bieber fever
Dr. Bieber
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber (Bieber fever is spreading across the country..)
Dr. Bieber (wait world no universe..)
Dr. Bieber ( Bieber fever is spreading rapidly and its incurable I repeat incurable)
Bieber fever
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Cure the fever
Cur cur cure the fever
Cur cure the fever
Cure the bieber fever
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Cure the fever
Cur cur cure the fever
Cur cure the fever
Cure the Bieber fever (yeah, yeah)
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Yeah, I got a PHD
I don't need a fake ID
Yeah you females know of me
I'm so sick with no IV
Bieber fever's in the street
Time to realize
Ima beast, Ima beast, Ima Beast
Say it 3 times cuz they know it's right
Catch this virus in the night
I know it's incurable
It's durable
But it's alright
It just spread across the globe
Into every single home
Every city
Every country
Every girl is on the phone
(Oh my gosh I love him. Isn't he perfect?)
You can be my queen, yeah
I'll show u how I work it
How I work it
How I how I work it
How I work it
How I how I work it
This is not a cold,
Not a flu
Not a sickness
Baby this is good
And it doesn't hurt to get this
You were never cured
And you never will regret this
Yeah, my swag's up
Riding with Kenny
In the Lexis
[Kenny Hamilton:]
Oh My God
It's bieber fever
It's everywhere
It's taking over the water
It's taking over the air streams
You can not run from it
You can not hide from it
That's why we call it
[Justin Bieber:]
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Cure the fever
Cur cur cure the fever
Cur cure the fever
Cure the bieber fever
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Cure the fever
Cur cur cure the fever
Cur cure the fever
Cure the bieber fever
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Cure the fever
Cur cur cure the fever
Cur cure the fever
Cure the bieber fever
We Know the DJ .com
We got DJ Tay James right here
We also got Sean Kingston
[Sean Kingston:]
Whats up?
You know what it is Bieber fever
Shawty mane, shawty mane
I caught Bieber fever too
Sabtu, 16 April 2011
#Bieberfact Part 2 (English Version)
1. #BIEBERFACT : Justin likes girls who are under 5'5
2. #BIEBERFACT : Justin said "if i love a girl, I'd do anything to make her happy.
3. #BIEBERFACT : Justin doesn't like when girl don't dress their age.
4. #BIEBERFACT : When someone says Justin is Gay, Beliebers says Yes He is GAY. (G : Gorgeous A : Amazing Y : Youngman).
5. # BIEBERFACT : There have been fans asking 'Do You Want to be my boyfriend, justin? Then Justin said''Umm well I'm dating my guitar''
6. # BIEBERFACT : Justin doesn't like to talk about ex-girlfriend.
7. # BIEBERFACT : justin said "if his girlfriend was crying in front of him, he'll say 'im here' ahwwww: ')
8. # BIEBERFACT : Justin've been crashing Glass Door 2 times
9. # BIEBERFACT : Justin if longer want to swim in public swimming pools, justin wearing a towel on his head, so that people do not know if that's him
10. # BIEBERFACT : Justin likes the smell of popcorn
11. # BIEBERFACT : all the kids daddy jeremy depannyanya name always begins with J (Justin, Jazmny, Jaxon).
12. # BIEBERFACT : Justin makes his song entitled favorite girl for taylor swift, but he says "calm down, you all it's my favorite girl"
13. # BIEBERFACT : Justin doesn’t like to say if gay.
14. # BIEBERFACT : Justin always wear a jacket, supra, Bonnet same headset travel time.
15. # BIEBERFACT : Justin never on the same date a guy whom.
16. # BIEBERFACT : Penah there are fans who ngetweet to Justin "Will u Marry me?" and then Justin reply
"Yeah, come here. I Want to hug u"
17. #BIEBERFACT : Justin like if a girl blushes
18. # BIEBERFACT : Justin fits his friends stop talking to junior high school because she lied on justin.
19. # BIEBERFACT : Justin think if british say "hair" was funny. He once teased reporters english because of that.
20. # BIEBERFACT : Justin says he'll work at McDonalds if he's not famous anymore.
21. # BIEBERFACT : Justin say NEVER word as much as 48 times in his song, Never Say Never.
22. # BIEBERFACT : The original title of 'Love Me' (before the re-arrangement) is 'Lovefool'
23. # BIEBERFACT : justin favorite soda is Sprite.
24. # BIEBERFACT : justin love to use hats, so he never liked to shop hat 'LIDS' and immediately bought 8 hats!
25. # BIEBERFACT : justin never lie to his mama mama birthday time, he said he was given the cake which is made, and buy at bakery.
26. # BIEBERFACT : Justin will SHIRTLESS on the film later.
27. # BIEBERFACT : Justin swore if he ever bitten by a butterfly.
28. # BIEBERFACT : Justin seldom really comb his hair. He just shakes it.
29. # BIEBERFACT: Justin wished she had a boyfriend for Christmas accompany him fit as the new year
30. # BIEBERFACT: Justin almost getting into fights because he was protecting a girl from a racist person
31. # BIEBERFACT: Justin says every day he's definitely thinking about girls
32. # BIEBERFACT: Justin says the best thing to him is that he can see many beautiful girls
33. # BIEBERFACT: Justin loves to write songs for girls.
34. #BIEBERFACT: Justin does not like to drink soda, but he likes the sprite.
35. # BIEBERFACT: Justin said, the formula when date is "If he's happy, I'm also happy"
36. # BIEBERFACT: Whenever justin check in to a hotel, the first thing he did was loncat2 in the mattress.
37. # BIEBERFACT: Justin admitted if current famous ever since, she jd care about her appearance.
38. # BIEBERFACT: Justin never challenged for ngecat kutek pink fingernails continue jalan2 use in public, and he did it.
39. # BIEBERFACT: Justin says he want to kiss every girl in the world, and see which one good girl kisser.
* singing: kiss me kiss me, say That you miss me.
40. # BIEBERFACT: Justin do not care if a girl has acne. He's going to get it.
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